Monday 5 October 2015


When you're tired, have a headache and it is raining, what do you do? All you can eat Tapas of course! This is a touristy place we would usually try and avoid but today we didn't care.
One of the pretty parts of the La Rambla Street. La Rambla used to be a river with a large amount of brown stuff in it. Kind of like the Yarra I guess..
This used to be a Roman archway. I can't remember why it was knocked down, probably some over enthusiastic home renovations.
This square is now a children's play area but it is actually quite infamous in the Spanish civil war. Bombs were dropped here (via Mussolini helping out if memory is correct).
Gunshot damage from the Civil War.
A plaque to the children killed by the bombing.
Amazing tour guide Alex. Originally from New Zealand, looks like Shaggy from Scooby Doo, talks with the hand gestures of a wildly drink Italian man.
This had nothing to do with coat hangers, rather is representation of human pyramid building. Apparently it's a big thing here. The record is 13 levels!
Artist Miro donated three works to welcoms traveller's. This is for people coming via boat.
Some bloke called Christopher Columbus pointing to where he parked his car. He introduced a bunch of things to Europe, coffee, tomato, chocolate, potato amongst others. Imagine the Italian restaurant/cafe scene without coffee and tomatoes!

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